Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Americas Overall Stats

Welcome to the Americas Overall Stats page for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. These stats are based off of the Americas Top 10s. This page lists rankings by number of 1st-place finishes, and by a point system based on positions on the individual track charts.

Point Rankings

A ranking based on the position of each of a player's top 10 times. 1st place is worth 10 points; 2nd place 9; down to 10th place which is worth 1 point.

No. Player Tally
1 Vincent 750
2 Technical 556
3 Mirai 312
4 Zae 306
5 deadmate 226
6 CweIIy 200
7 Xylix 197
8 grace 180
9 EternalX 173
10 LucasMK 164
11 Jotrix 134
12 Bruh 100
13 Grant 85
14 Braydon 83
15 gibbman 79
16 Plunky 73
17 Alphabet Soup 72
18 noah 66
19 Draygomelon 63
20 SideB 57
21 Hobbie 55
22 Albert 53
23 Luckyo 49
24 Tyson 47
25 Jimmy 44
26 Doodle 41
26 Miguel 41
26 SuperFX 41
29 Italic 36
30 Brandon 34
31 400mAddict 32
31 Sebas 32
33 conrax 29
34 Astro 28
34 Roberto 28
36 Huayra 25
37 Madison 24
38 Darky 23
39 1saac 21
40 bup 20
41 Miguel 19
41 N8 19
41 Yoshiracer 19
44 Ops 18
44 Ryan 18
46 Darren 17
47 Cynda 16
47 DavidFire 16
47 Jimmy L. 16
47 Munch 16
47 Nick 16
52 amber 15
53 Plsfirehop 14
53 qwacks 14
55 3D 13
55 Kevo 13
55 Matt 13
55 Repeater 13
55 Rjohn1277 13
55 velg 13
61 Ignite 12
61 William 12
63 Awoken 11
63 Hexgod2222 11
65 Carson 10
65 DiddyCat 10
65 Redpill 10
68 Aless 9
68 aryhn 9
68 Disgrea 9
68 Kay 9
68 Nelix 9
68 Panque 9
74 Damian 8
74 ember 8
74 John 8
74 mks4lyfe 8
74 SirBookwriter 8
74 Ty 8
80 annalise 7
80 Daniel 7
80 funny 7
80 gdin 7
80 ikki!! 7
80 JustNtendo 7
80 Shortcat 7
80 SuperMarioKarter 7
80 Yumi 7
89 AlanNotByron 6
89 Gabe 6
89 H3RO 6
89 JulianMK8 6
89 Lucid 6
89 Nate 6
95 BryCodiaHD 5
95 Chrininja 5
95 clarkz 5
95 FraudNation 5
95 gabekart 5
95 Gecko 5
95 izaya 5
95 Lemons Fox 5
103 berda 4
103 Big Cheese 4
103 Flapsman 4
103 Green 4
103 RPGG 4
103 sinic 4
103 Tyler 4
103 WilliamCree 4
111 Glooba 3
111 MattG 3
111 Michael 3
111 Xasepp 3
115 Astro_03 2
115 Azuza 2
115 cynthia11 2
115 gyrodos 2
115 Hi 2
115 LiteralGod 2
115 LuigiAiden 2
115 LX 2
115 mpoob 2
115 Ricky 2
115 royal 2
115 Strike 2
115 Vrek 2
115 William 2
129 Bobby 1
129 Drazox 1
129 JadeCrona 1
129 r4in 1
129 RandomGuy 1
129 SlapShine 1

1st-Place Finishes

A ranking based on the number of tracks a player has a 1st-place record on.

No. Player Tally
1 Vincent 40
2 Technical 13
3 Mirai 6
4 Zae 5
5 grace 4
5 Plunky 4
7 Albert 3
7 EternalX 3
9 1saac 1
9 400mAddict 1
9 Alphabet Soup 1
9 Brandon 1
9 Braydon 1
9 Bruh 1
9 CweIIy 1
9 deadmate 1
9 DiddyCat 1
9 Grant 1
9 Luckyo 1
9 Matt 1
9 noah 1
9 Ops 1
9 Plsfirehop 1
9 Redpill 1
9 Xylix 1
9 Yoshiracer 1