Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: UK 200cc Stats

Welcome to the UK 200cc Stats page for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. These stats are based off of the UK 200cc Top 5s. This page lists rankings by number of 1st-place finishes, and by a point system based on positions on the individual track charts.

Point Rankings

A ranking based on the position of each of a player's top 10 times. 1st place is worth 10 points; 2nd place 9; down to 10th place which is worth 1 point.

No. Player Tally
1 4laps2win 232
2 Euan 120
3 SKaR 95
4 Nova 81
5 Fearless 70
6 kwartz 22
7 Wood22 19
8 vxlocity 11
9 Unreal 9
10 Eclipse 8
10 Ryan5 8
12 izh 7
13 Rhys 6
14 Alfie 4
14 Finn 4
14 Rayan4K 4
14 Rhys04 4
18 WiiManLei 3
19 CreepGanon 2
19 Liight 2
19 MABLEM487 2
19 MSG8819 2
19 Nano 2
24 Core 1
24 LeeD93 1
24 SquidDude 1

1st-Place Finishes

A ranking based on the number of tracks a player has a 1st-place record on.

No. Player Tally
1 4laps2win 41
2 Euan 3
3 SKaR 2
4 Fearless 1
4 kwartz 1