Mario Kart Wii: Player Profile

Ethan L

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Ethan L

Here, you can find a listing of all of the records by Ethan L for Mario Kart Wii. For each track, the score and ranks are listed. This page is divided into sections by record category (such as Non-SC or Shortcut/Glitch).

Non-SC Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
LC Luigi Circuit 1:09.585   9 +    0.852
MMM Moo Moo Meadows 1:16.268   3 +    0.995
MG Mushroom Gorge 1:41.975   10 +    4.508
TF Toad's Factory 1:50.132   7 +    1.093
MC Mario Circuit 1:22.263   9 +    1.906
CM Coconut Mall 1:56.898   9 +    1.648
DKSC DK's Snowboard Cross 1:49.976   7 +    5.479
WGM Wario's Gold Mine 1:51.976   10 +    2.042
DC Daisy Circuit 1:29.697   1 +    1.376
KC Koopa Cape 2:20.029   4 +    2.920
MT Maple Treeway 2:18.514   8 +    5.388
GV Grumble Volcano 1:53.945   +    3.068
DDR Dry Dry Ruins 1:48.725   6 +    2.325
MH Moonview Highway 1:44.147   +    1.275
BC Bowser's Castle 2:22.321   5 +    2.320
RR Rainbow Road 2:28.785   +    4.504
rPB GCN Peach Beach 1:13.605   10 +    0.949
rYF DS Yoshi Falls   59.534   7 +    0.886
rGV2 SNES Ghost Valley 2   53.267   9 +    0.521
rMR N64 Mario Raceway 1:42.235   4 +    1.042
rSL N64 Sherbet Land 2:05.211   +    1.635
rSGB GBA Shy Guy Beach 1:22.760   8 +    1.397
rDS DS Delfino Square 2:05.628   9 +    2.103
rWS GCN Waluigi Stadium 1:50.736   6 +    2.773
rDH DS Desert Hills 1:35.875   8 +    1.638
rBC3 GBA Bowser Castle 3 2:18.636   10 +    2.512
rDKJP N64 DK's Jungle Parkway 2:13.128   3 +    2.582
rMC GCN Mario Circuit 1:32.165   10 +    1.893
rMC3 SNES Mario Circuit 3 1:18.512   7 +    0.691
rPG DS Peach Gardens 2:00.216   3 +    1.326
rDKM GCN DK Mountain 2:07.583   8 +    2.808
rBC N64 Bowser's Castle 2:32.432   +    1.973
Total Total 57:16.759

Unrestricted Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
LC Luigi Circuit 1:09.585   9 +    0.852
MMM Moo Moo Meadows 1:16.268   3 +    0.995
MG Mushroom Gorge 1:41.975   + 1:22.277
TF Toad's Factory 1:50.132   8 +    5.954
MC Mario Circuit 1:22.263   +   37.127
CM Coconut Mall 1:56.898   + 1:32.776
DKSC DK's Snowboard Cross 1:49.976   7 +    5.479
WGM Wario's Gold Mine 1:51.976   + 1:20.298
DC Daisy Circuit 1:29.697   1 +    1.376
KC Koopa Cape 2:20.029   4 +   24.779
MT Maple Treeway 2:18.514   +   45.923
GV Grumble Volcano 1:53.945   + 1:38.520
DDR Dry Dry Ruins 1:48.725   6 +    2.325
MH Moonview Highway 1:44.147   +    1.275
BC Bowser's Castle 2:11.529° 4 +    2.921
RR Rainbow Road 2:28.785   + 1:04.403
rPB GCN Peach Beach 1:13.605   +   13.627
rYF DS Yoshi Falls   59.534   7 +    0.886
rGV2 SNES Ghost Valley 2   53.267   +    3.275
rMR N64 Mario Raceway 1:42.235   4 +    1.042
rSL N64 Sherbet Land 2:05.211   + 1:10.870
rSGB GBA Shy Guy Beach 1:22.760   8 +    8.987
rDS DS Delfino Square 2:05.628   9 +    2.103
rWS GCN Waluigi Stadium 1:50.736   6 +   18.749
rDH DS Desert Hills 1:35.875   +    5.450
rBC3 GBA Bowser Castle 3 2:04.431° +    8.716
rDKJP N64 DK's Jungle Parkway 2:13.128   + 1:34.250
rMC GCN Mario Circuit 1:32.165   10 +    1.893
rMC3 SNES Mario Circuit 3 1:18.512   7 +    0.691
rPG DS Peach Gardens 2:00.216   3 +    1.326
rDKM GCN DK Mountain 2:07.583   +    9.450
rBC N64 Bowser's Castle 2:32.432   +   15.779
Total Total 56:51.762

Alternate SC Records

Track Track Score WR Diff.
GV Grumble Volcano 1:45.625 +   12.711
rDKJP N64 DK's Jungle Parkway 2:14.959 +    5.638